250th Anniversary of Sir Walter Scott birth at Edinburgh Saturday 30th October

Rory Knight Bruce was Mr Dandie Dinmont for the day and he was superb and lead us up to St Gilles Cathedral

Rory Knight Bruce recreating the character based on a painting by Joseph Jenkins on the musical production of Daniel Terry’s musical production 1827

The service at St Gilles was a fitting tribute to Sir Walter Scott.

Order of service

“Organ Prelude: Jordan English
Fanfare: From The Rob Roy Overture (1831) by Hector Berlioz – The State Trumpeters.
Scripture Sentences & Call to Worship: The Minister, The Reverend Calum MacLeod.
Psalm 100: The Auld Hundreth
Bidding & Prayer: The Minister
Music: Oh mattutini albori from La donna del lago (1819) – Zoe Drummond, soprano, Scottish Opera & Toby Hession, piano accompaniment.
Reading: John 14: 1-7 – Billy Kay in William Laughton Lorimer’s translation (1983)
Psalm 116: The Choir
Reading: The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), Canto VI – The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry KT KBE,
Music: Ellens dritter Gesang (Ave Maria) by Franz Schubert, D. 839, Op. 52, No. 6 – – Zoe Drummond, soprano, Scottish Opera & Toby Hession, piano accompaniment.
Reading: From The Journal of Sir Walter Scott for 22nd January 1826 – Sir Angus Grossart QC CBE DL.
Reading: From The Heart of Midlothian (1818), Jeanie Deans addresses Queen Caroline – The Rt Hon Lady Dorrian QC PC.
Traditional Music: Jock of Hazeldean – Aly Bain MBE and Phil Cunningham MBE.
Reading: Sir Walter’s Verse by Sir Eric Anderson KT (2013) – Professor David Purdie. Bonnie Dundee led by Phamie Gow
A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Life & Work of Sir Walter Scott: The Very Reverend Professor Iain Torrance KCVO Kt TD.
Paraphrase 59: Sung by the Congregation standing
Benediction: Minister
Organ Recessional: Jordan English”

The rain held off and we all marched down to Scott Monument led by Mr Dandie Dinmont

Photo credit Karen Atkinson