The weather was kind to us as we set off for our annual walk.
We met at Sir Walter Scott’s Monument in Edinburgh Princess Street Gardens. This year we had 20 Dandies plus owners. Then it was off to George Street to James Clerk Maxwell ( Famous Scottish Scientist 13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879 ) monument that featured Toby his dog. JCM was a keen dog owner however he called all of his dogs Toby and the one featured is an Irish Terrier however JCM owned Mustards and Peppers as they were know at the time. For more information on JCM
We then visit John Emms Callum in the Nation Gallery and then of to Greyfriars Bobby Statue, lots of Dandie owners think that he may be a Dandie however my personal view is that he is a dropped eared Skye Terrier and then it was off to visit his master Grave John Grey.
Do you know that its good luck to bring a stick to GFB? Nettle
It was so nice to see Nettle the rescued Dandie from Belguim. Hopefully next year walk will be the fist Sunday in October and this will correspond with the “Pets Blessing” and other Scottish Breeds will be there including Skyes. Date will be confirmed closer to the time?