A very busy 5th Haining Dandie Derby has drawn to a close . This year the weather was kind to us and we had 57 Dandies entered to race and approximately another 4 Dandie spectators. We had the first ever competing Dandies, whom were only about 16 weeks old and both were adorable and caused a big fuss. For the 2nd year running we have had a stall at Selkirk’s Farmer Market and the Dandies drew a big crowd, they received lots of attention. All the Dandies loved Dandie Dinmont Terrier sausages a special thanks to Taylors Family Butcher for supply them.
Everyone loved the walk around the Loch and the improvements that have been made to the grounds, we cannot wait until we visit next year and see the completed work.
This year we made in the region of £380, thanks every one and Pauline Nadine won the stain glass.

May we thank Haining trustee, Haining volunteers, Linda Small, Lucy Hubbard, Karen Atkinson, Pauline Nadine, John Nicol, Paul Keevil, Campbell and Gwen Foster Barbra Krug, Richard and Hunter Horseley, Minna Repo, Kristin Morgan-Mccallum, Liz Magnus, Frank Brown and a special to thanks to Naomi and Sue Jackman for helping so much and making this year a success. Hopefully I have not missed out anyone? if we have please say its not intentional.
This year the novice class had the most entries and was closely contested however every one took part in the spirit of the event and some have still not left the starting block.
On Sunday it was of to Abbottsford house and home of Sir Walter Scott, we had a walk in his gardens and estate, the weather forecast was poor however it was wrong and the weather was pleasant.
Photos credits to Simon Rishton, Alexandra Wakefield and Karen Atkinson