The Haining

The Haining is a country house and estate in Selkirk in the Scottish Borders. The present house dates from the 1790s, and was a property of the Pringle family. In 2009, the house and grounds were bequeathed to The Haining Charitable Trust which manages the estate for the benefit of the people of Selkirkshire and the wider public. The Haining Charitable Trust is now working on developing the building as a centre for exhibitions and events, highlighting art, culture and history. The House is currently being refurbished and will be let out for various events and functions. The Old Coach House and Stable outbuildings have been refurbished and now offer six brand new artists studios. Holiday apartments, The Ettrick, and The Yarrow, and the two-beroomed, Dairy Cottage, are also now available within the grounds available for booking via Visit Scotland. The “Old Ginger” statue is located in the kennel yard.” quote from Wiki.

The Haining is home of “Old Ginger” and his Kennels. On the 4th of 2017 the statue of “Old Ginger was unveiled. Alexender Stoddart the Queen Sculpture in Ordinary was commissioned to create a statue of Old Ginger. Every living Dandie Dinmont can trace his male line back to him.

The Dandie Dinmont Derby takes place on the first Saturday in June. This event first took place in 2015 and ITV “Secret Life of Dogs” filmed this event and was aired in 2016. On average over 50 Dandies compete in this.