Archie Steel Dandie Breeder

Archie Steel was a breeder from Kelso. Some of his dogs featured in the paintings by John Emms. John Emms was a British painter “of great ability” born 1844 and died 1912. His most famous work is “Callum” and hangs in the National Gallery of Scotland.

John Emms also painted Edenside and this picture was sold in 2006 for £23 748 at Bonhams auction house. He also painted a group of Dandies that may have featured Edenside and Kelso Dandy. This picture sold in 2006 for £ 119,435

Archie Steel’s Dandies were much prized and several were shipped to the USA.

We will be going to Rutherfords Micro Pub and this has a huge Dandie connection and more will be revealed closer to the time.

We will be visiting Archie Steel house in June 2020 and this will be a part of the guided tour of Kelso with lots of Dandie Dinmont and Sir Walter Scott facts.

Thanks for the photos